Erik Goetjaer (1987) graduated from the School of Performance Arts in Tilburg, The Netherlands, in 2009. In the following years he mainly took on acting jobs, and played many roles, such as Roger Davis in Rent, The Actor in The Woman In Black and Basil in Dorian Gray.
During his study he discovered directing and this triggered his interest. From 2016 he started his first directing job and directed productions such as Ira Levin's Deathtrap, The Addams Family and One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest. At the moment he mainly directs and takes on acting jobs on the side.
In 2019 he started a collaboration with his wife Marit and they called themselves Maer Theatermakers. Together they strive to make their own theatre productions, work for other projects as well as working for events. They wrote their own productions Minnaars & Verliezers and Beer in het Donker. While Erik and Marit both work for Maer Theatermakers, they are mainly working as seperate freelancers.
At this time he tries to be as diverse as he can be. He directs musical theatre, plays and film, tries to take on acting jobs where possible, and teaches drama to amateurs and professionals. He wants to keep learning and growing within the theatre industry.
I love to dive deep within the text and the layout of a play. I want to see all the secrets the writers are giving me and want to explore every aspect a character has to offer. Of course I look a lot to the visuals of a play, but I truly love to analyze.
Here you'll find the jobs I do on a daily basis. If you're looking for something not mentioned down here, please let me know! Everything is worth discussing.